Friday, October 6, 2017

The Magic of Believing

Over 30 years ago I created a Life Mission Statement for me.  "To help people to do what they do, to do it better!"  I would then use Joe Tye's Direction-Deflection-Question (DDQ) which is very simple.  I would ask myself this question or one similar:  "Is what I am about to say or do consistent with my Life's Mission Statement to help people to do what they do to do it better?"  If yes, I say or do it; if no, I don't.  Can't get any easier.  Works every time.

I could have saved all the work and concern by just handing them a copy of Claude M. Bristol's book, The Magic of Believing. If his book does not help you and everyone who reads it to do whatever it is you do or something that you may want to do to, to do it better, then nothing ever will; the book is that good!

I have used the principles discussed in the book without knowing them to be principles; at least at first.  I know they work because they have worked for me.  In particular when I first left the service I knew not what I was going to do with my life.  I responded to an advertisement (that turned out to be a little misleading) where an aircraft parts company was looking for an office manager.  I did not finish college (2 years), managed to get drafted (1965), spent 20 years in the Coast Guard (loved it) but was forced out because of a bad knee (1985).  I specialized in personnel management but had no degree.  In 1985 the economy sucked, unemployment was high.  I got the interview to meet with the Vice President of the aircraft parts company and the job sounded great.  After the interview I wrote her a thank you note for the interview but never thought I would get a call back; until......  For the next several days, I continually thought about that job and I knew I could do it and I actually envisioned myself sitting in the office doing the job.  I got the call back and I got the job.  More importantly, the VP showed me the stack of resumes from people applying for the job, most had college degrees, some has Masters Degrees and a couple had Doctors Degrees.  Why was I selected for the job?  Two reasons.  I believe it was because like in Bristol's book, I told myself and believed I was going to be great at the job and could see myself doing it.  Secondly, the VP told me that I was the ONLY one who sent her a thank you note.  Points taken on both counts!

Bristol's book and principles will work for you, of that I am certain BUT ONLY IF YOU LEARN TO BELIEVE IN WHAT YOU EXPECT TO HAPPEN.  

What I believe is that if you take the time to read the book, even though it was written in the late 1940's, it is more valid today with all that is going on and the competition to become successful being so competitive.  I could give you several more examples of The Magic of Believing in my own life but you would be better served by reading the book.

My test of a good book?  Would I read it again?  ABSOLUTELY!  Would I give it as a gift?  ABSOLUTELY!!!!!  I pray my 4 children, 9 grandchildren and 2 great grandchildren would all read it (when they are ready that is).  I think anyone over the age of 8 to 10 would benefit from this book.

BEST OF ALL?  I costs only $2.99 on as a Kindle read.  BEST $2.99 I HAVE EVER SPENT!